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Overalls size 3T

Overalls size 3T
Overalls size 3T
Overalls size 3T
Overalls size 3T
Overalls size 3T

Product Details:

Overalls size 3T

These fun overalls are made of multi colored mopeds on white cotton. The whole thing is lined in red cotton. I added a ruff flower made of both fabrics with a resin button in yellow with a black mustache. The buttons on the straps are white resin with black mustaches. I purchased these awesome buttons from www.etsy.com/shop/4squarepegs .

As always, thanks for looking

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Everywhere Else $ 13.00 $ 7.00
United_States $ 6.00 $ 3.00

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Price: $ 17.00

Product Information
Product name - Overalls size 3T
Price: USD 17.00
In Stock: 1

Listed On 2011-06-21


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Rachael Meyer
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Overalls size 3T
Overalls size 3T
Overalls size 3T
Overalls size 3T